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Beatriz Redondo Tejedor


Beatriz Redondo Tejedor

Beatriz Redondo Tejedor is the Sr. Manager of Brand and Content Marketing at Sinch Email. She is our content marketing leader, resident Ravenclaw, and strategy developer for our growing global content team and brands. She writes about the ins and outs of email, and the cultural and business impact of developing policies.

Latest stories by Beatriz Redondo Tejedor

Hermes attracts icons with a giant magnet in front of post-its

Email best practices

10 min

Branding & email marketing: How to share your brand values via email

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Five Goddesses celebrate International Woman's Day


2 min

International Women’s Day: 5 stories that show how Mailjet supports its women

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A Goddess analyses stas on a laptop


2 min

3 ways transactional SMS will take your email even further

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Gods putting mail in blue mailbox


3 min

Terra Mail is about to close: All you need to know

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Gods in front of laptop screen and plant with megaphone and x sign


5 min

Orange email is closing: Here’s all you need to know

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god painting a goddess

Email best practices

5 min

Stocksy United's 7 tips for crafting standout marketing emails

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Hermes and a Goddess chill on some stats in front of stationery

Email best practices

1 min

Mailjet’s advent calendar recap: Is your email strategy ready for 2017?

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Hermes and a Goddess carry a Christmas tree in front of Santa hats

Email best practices

2 min

Mailjet’s Advent Calendar: Tips to win at email in 2017

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A God and a Goddess decorate a Christmas tree

Email best practices

1 min

Email campaign examples that rocked the holiday season

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Hermes putting together pc case

Email best practices

1 min

Designing beautiful holiday emails

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Hermes and a Goddess carry a tree on a decorated table

Email best practices

2 min

Rock the holiday season: Mailjet’s Holiday Toolkit is back

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Hermes is helping a Goddess to paint colorful lines

Email best practices

4 min

Gmail finally embraces responsive email design

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