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Mailjet blog


Stories from the devs at Sinch Mailjet.

Hermes working on some code and a Goddess bringing supplies


12 min

How to code and create an abandoned cart email

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Hermes is coding


1 min

What it’s like to be a developer evangelist

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Hermes working on some code and a Goddess bringing supplies


15 min

How to prepare your infrastructure for Black Friday

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Gods in front of colored cubes


4 min

How to pipe Mailjet data to a data warehouse and why you should

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Hera giving the ideas to working Hermes


4 min

How to code a welcome email with MJML

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Hermes sitting with laptop an orange sofa, Hera talking


4 min

How to code an email receipt template with MJML

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Gods in costumes


3 min

Templating language + MJML: How to code a personalized digest email

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Hermes is lecturing a rubber duck in front of a laptop


3 min

Hot off the email development world: Our #LitmusLive takeaway

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Gods with graphics


2 min

Open source survey: We’d love to hear from you

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Gods fixing lights


2 min

WearHacks 2016

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Gods with graphics


3 min

How to increase retention with the Parse API app

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Hermes is tangled up with tape while helping a Goddess fix a sign in the street


1 min

How to hack Web Summit

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Hermes is tangled up with tape while helping a Goddess to fix a sign on a road in the forest


4 min

What Golang UK taught me about community

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Three Gods hanging spheres in front of letters


4 min

How APIs are changing software as we know it

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Hermes is fixing a PC


3 min

Wearhacks: A weekend of wearables

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Hermes is coding


4 min

UpFront 2015: The anatomy of a great UX

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god with apple, blocks and duck


5 min

The must attend tech events of 2015

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Gods in costumes in front of a building


3 min

Taking Rome by storm, A Codemotion adventure

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Hermes working on laptop


2 min

Lighting up smiles with Big Brothers Big Sisters

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Hermes is wrapped up while two Goddesses try to fix a sign


5 min

HackIllinois: A battle for the Top

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Three Gods for a Valentine's Day


4 min

DeveloperWeek: Hacking Valentine’s Day

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Hermes typing in a room with a Christmas tree


3 min

Open source Christmas: Give a little code

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Hermes holding cup of coffee on the shelf


3 min

Hi, It's Rupert, your inbox manager

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Gods putting together structure


15 min

Email controlled Christmas tree

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