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Mailjet Monday: David Andersen

This Monday, we sat down to chat with David Andersen, who manages marketing efforts in Germany.

Gods discussing in a living room



What do you do for Mailjet?

I’m part of our fantastic marketing team and am involved in a lot of different projects aimed to spread the word about Mailjet to the world. As a member of our Berlin team I’m also involved in the local startup community and make sure Mailjet is represented at events and meetups.

What does a typical day look like for you?

It sounds like a cliché but no two days are ever really the same - which is great! I love being involved in different projects and working on different things every day. One day I’ll be writing a new blog post, other days I’m creating new landing pages or tweaking a display banner.

do spend time almost every day connecting with my fellow marketers in our offices in Paris and New York. Since we’re a global team spread out across the world, it’s important for us to coordinate our tasks, keep each other updated on projects, and share our ideas.

What’s one thing all email marketer’s should know about email?

I feel like email doesn’t really get the credit it deserves. It’s such a great marketing channel and yet it gets a lot of flak for being outdated, even being pronounced dead several times. SMTP may have been around longer than Ashton Kutcher, but that doesn’t mean it’s not relevant anymore (unlike him). If used right, email is extremely powerful and I think it’s more a matter of adapting email to new trends than to replace it altogether.

Most memorable Mailjet moment?

That would have to be our recent team trip to Samoëns, a small village in the alps. The whole team flew in from all over the world and spent a few days river rafting among mountains and grassy meadows. It was absolutely beautiful and I can’t imagine a better way to connect with colleagues than by fearing for your life as you plunge over a giant waterfall in a raft. I’m kidding, it was pretty peaceful.

What are some of your favorite apps?

I am bit of a nerd when it comes to productivity apps. I love finding and trying out new apps that can make life easier and more organized. Some of my favorites are Wunderlist for to-dos, Evernote for any kind of notes, Mailbox for organizing my emails on the go and IFTTT for connecting apps and using them in new ways.

How do you see email marketing evolving with the changing digital scene?

I would expect to see a lot of new integrations being added to email marketing tools to adapt to the changes in the digital space. Personalization and automation is still an interesting field that I think will evolve even further. But I think the core of email will stay the same - a trusted and reliable channel for companies to communicate and interact with customers.

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