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Here’s how to write the best newsletter introductions

Crafting an introduction that captures your reader's attention can be a challenge, but the rewards are worth the effort. A well-written newsletter intro can increase engagement, build relationships, and help grow your business.

Hermes in front of some newsletter boxes with a letter



It can be hard to know where to start when you want to grow your business and increase brand awareness. Email marketing has a proven track record of building relationships with potential clients while offering an excellent return on investment (ROI).

And email newsletters are one of the most valuable methods for initiating and maintaining connections with your audience. But when you decide to design and send an email newsletter, it might seem like a challenge, and you need to start somewhere.

Let's look at some newsletter introduction examples, why you need intros, and how they can help increase business.

Why do you need to write strong newsletter introductions?

One of the essential aspects of an email newsletter is the introduction. In the same way the smell of a savory dish stimulates your senses and entices you to order, a powerful newsletter introduction makes your audience want more. Conversely, if a newsletter introduction is bland or uninteresting, the reader may exit after a few sentences.

While the introduction is a critical element of your newsletter design, it isn't the only essential feature. Studies show that 67% of newsletter recipients skip the introduction and go right to the main content. But the other 33% use the introduction to determine whether or not to keep reading, making it essential for capturing their attention.

Tips and examples on writing the best newsletter introductions

Crafting an effective newsletter introduction is essential for engaging your audience and building relationships. With the right tips and examples, you can create an introduction that captures your reader's attention, drives engagement, and helps grow your business.

1. Use pictures

Pictures are a compelling way to gain a recipient's interest and communicate what your brand offers. Images can be a mixture of visual appeal and detailed information, delighting your email list while informing them of vital facts about your company.

And pictures provide an opportunity to build an emotional connection with the recipient, convincing them of your brand's expertise and trustworthiness. Add an evocative image under your captivating title to draw your readers in.

Wedding campaign on a mobile device

Pictures can captivate an audience.

2. Make it a question

Starting your introduction with a provocative question can capture the reader's curiosity and encourage them to continue.Posing a question inspires your reader to think in-depth and wonder what the answer may be. At the same time, a conventional introduction might offer nothing special.

A question in a newsletter introduction sets the stage for the rest of the email. And your content answers the question gradually as it unfolds, giving the reader something entertaining and informative to scan. At the same time, they learn more about your company.

Email campaign featuring question intro

An email newsletter example by Annie Franceschi at The Greatest Story Creative.

3. Get to the point

Yournewsletter introduction needs to get to the point to maximize its effectiveness. That doesn't mean writing in an overly-logical tone with no personality. Instead, provide the reader with concise, tangible benefits that pique their interest and make them want to know more.

Readers are often busy and don’t want to get bogged down in an overly fluffy introduction without value. Your newsletter may be sent to the trash folder in a few seconds when that happens. But a well-balanced intro with pertinent company info and the right amount of charisma can cause the reader to keep going.

Carol Tice from The Freelance Writer's Den shows us how in this newsletter article example:

Hi [First name], This week, we've got a podcast with Stefan Pallios, author of the new book The 50 Laws of Freelancing. He and Den admin Jennifer Roland talked about that book, his freelancing career, and how he manages such ambitious side projects alongside a full slate of clients. Check it out in the Resource Library.

4. Personalize it

Using a personal tone in a newsletter introduction tells your customers that you understand and relate to them. Generic introductions for the masses lack warmth and make your marketing efforts look a bit lazy.

Demonstrating to readers that you appreciate them and have solutions to their pain points helps establish trust.

Here's some excellent newsletter content referring to a reader's specific attributes and needs:

"Dear Ms. Henderson – As a retiree, we know how important it is to make sure your money stretches as far as possible. That's why Donald, your investment consultant, would like to discuss money management techniques that can ensure that your present and your future are as comfortable as they can be. Please call our offices to schedule an appointment at your convenience."

5. Refer to a shared identity

Impersonal email communications seem like they're simply trying to increase sales or that the customer is just another number. But noting a common interest or identity with the email recipient creates relatability and connection.

Letting the reader know that you understand what they need, and have similar experiences, creates an authentic and trustworthy tone. Below is an example of an introduction by Sarah Turner geared toward copywriters.

"These are the top 10 books that EVERY copywriter MUST read. These books were crucial for my growth as a copywriter & an entrepreneur and I hope they'll be just as important to you."

6. Note a rare yet relevant statistic

An excellent statistic can replace lengthy introductions, saving readers time by being concise (see tip #3). Concrete numbers clearly benefit your product or service and entice the reader to seek what you offer. 

LinkedIn performed an A/B test where they compared the use of statistics in headlines with click-through rates (CTRs).

The two headlines read:

  • Headline A: 75% of B2B buyers rely more on content to make purchasing decisions than they did a year ago.

  • Headline B: B2B buyers rely more on content to make purchasing decisions than ever before.

They discovered that statistics have a significant impact, causing a 37% higher CTR and a 162% increase in impressions.

7. Make a daring statement

A practical email newsletter introduction is about drawing in the recipient and causing them to keep reading. And making a big statement in your intro does just that. Using a striking statement evokes a response from your target audience and captures readers' attention. 

Here's an example from Sarah Peck's Startup Parent:

"Truth talk: the world of work was not made for working parents." 

How Mailjet makes email marketing easy

Coming up with an effective email marketing strategy takes effort. You may have several job duties and a limited amount of time. And even if you read our internal newsletter introduction examples, you still may wonder how to write a newsletter.

But Mailjet makes email easy. If you need help figuring out where to start, check out our 50 newsletter ideas to create engaging emails. Discover practical newsletter elements and find the best way to convey your brand persona.

To further hone your skills, we'll show you how to create a newsletter, optimize it, and provide real-world examples.

Then, when you're ready to write your first newsletter, look no further than our free drag-and-drop Email Editor. It provides eye-catching newsletter templates, easy-to-use editing, and seamless sending and analysis.

A powerful email builder

Create beautiful responsive emails in minutes

With Mailjet’s easy-to-use Email Editor, you can create email marketing campaigns, newsletters, and automated emails that engage your audiences and display perfectly in their inbox.

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